Badlands National Park

Off we go, our first night on the road. We left out early July 3rd headed to Iowa for the night. The plan was to stay 1 night in Iowa and then head to the Badlands National Park.  Luckily a few days before our trip I had realized that the KOA in Iowa we are supposed to be going to for the night never did send me a confirmation. I called them to inquire and was told that they denied my request because I had not booked with a 3-night minimum. Explaining that the website never said I had to have a 3 night minimum, it allowed me to book 1 night, and they charged my credit card for the 1 night already.

 Asking if there was anyway we could be put anywhere on site for the night. I was told very rudely that if I had paid for 3 nights they would have a spot for me, if not then I cannot come there. I was not going to pay for 2 additional nights so I asked for a refund of the 1 night and headed to the Prairie Meadows Casino in Altoona, IA for a single night of boondocking.

Boondocking in Altoona Iowa at a Casino

When we got to Altoona it is a very nice, clean town. Great parking lot that has good lighting. If you are a gambler you can go into the casino and try to win enough to pay for your vacation. If you are hungry there is plenty of places to eat easily within walking distance.  We were not interested in that so we made dinner inside the camper and put in a movie for the kiddos.

 Luckily, we did not try and go into the casino because as we were lying in bed, watching a little tv and trying to relax after a long day of driving, we noticed a semi-truck pulling next top us on the right side of the camper, we heard a lot of banging around and then the sound of a truck driving away.

Curious as to what was going on we looked out our front window and seen that the driver dropped his trailer right next to our camper,. It was so close that we could not open our door to enter or exit the camper. If we would have left for any reason there would have been no way for us to get back into the camper. Since we were already snug like a bug in the camper, this was not a problem for us.

A few hours later we heard some very large booms and flashing lights coming from outside the camper. I must say I had to think that maybe we made the wrong choice boondocking in this location at this time. Looking out back window we didn’t see anything so we laid back down. Again, BOOM and flashing lights. The boys woke up and ran back to us frightened by the sounds, thinking it was a thunder storm.

 We peered out the back window and that’s when we saw it. A large beautiful bloom in the sky. There were fireworks for the fourth of July being shot right behind us. We all laid in bed, in the air conditioning, and watched the show. This was the best firework experience I have ever had to date. Watching the glow of the fireworks off my beautiful wife’s face. Seeing the sparkle and pure happiness in my boys’ eyes. I knew this was the life I wanted to live, and I never wanted that moment to end.

I still think about this moment, I thank God for this moment, and it still brings happiness into my heart.

Badlands National Park

I wish we would have given ourselves more than 1 day to enjoy Badlands National Park. I think this park is a good 2 full days to enjoy all it has to offer.  We drove throughout the park weaving in and out of the beautiful rock formations.

Overlooking the canyons of Badlands National Park

This may not be the biggest park out there but it is one the most beautiful. The rocks flowing over each other with different colors of red and yellow. Looking over the formations you cannot help but wonder, how the layers of these rocks where formed millions of years ago. These rocks where formed by process of deposition back when there were shallow inland seas and rivers running throughout the park.

Now there is no sign of water, no rivers to view, just what is left over. What is left are rock formations resembling a layered cake, beautiful and layered perfectly. Walking on the trails overlooking these formations is like living in a painting. Pictures cannot do it justice.

Beautiful rock formation in Badlands National Park

We stopped many times while driving through the park. Overlooking different formations and different valleys, walking some short trails and letting the boys stretch their legs.

  As we were driving we kept getting closer and closer to a small area that is covered in tall trees. It looked like a oasis in the middle of the desert. That oasis of tall trees is where we are staying for the next night. The Badlands/White River KOA.

Looking down at the Motorhome form one of the hiking trails. Kaitlin did not want to join.

Hiking Badlands National Park

If you are wanting to do some hiking, these are the family friendly hiking trails I would recommend.

Door Trail: 0.75 miles/1.2 km (round trip). Difficulty Easy

Fossil Exhibit Trail: 0.25 miles/0.4 km (round trip). Difficulty Easy

Badlands National Park has an open hike policy. This allows you to open hike off trail anywhere you can safely do so.

 Please keep in mind to always have water on you and never do anything outside of your comfort zone. Always watch the children! They can easily fall into sharp rocky cliffs or play with some wildlife that does not want to play.

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